It’s Episode 28 of Magic Markets – Venture Capital Views

Many investors often think that Venture Capital and Private Equity are the purview of the elite and very wealthy. This week, we challenge that notion by inviting Haroon Jeena, the founding director of Olive Venture Capital Company on the show.

Haroon takes us through the unique opportunity of the special Section 12 J tax incentive which is open until the end of this month in South Africa. We also discuss accessible minimum investments and delve into the interesting initiatives Olive VCC are investing in as well as their investment ethos and strategy.

Join @FinanceGhost and I as unpack the world of venture capital and private equity as well as the Section 12 J window of opportunity. If you’re interested in knowing more, visit the Olive VCC website to find out more about the fund and view the prospectus.

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Episode 28 of Magic Markets is brought to you by Olive Venture Capital Company, an authorised Financial Services Provider. Visit Olive Venture Capital Company for more.

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